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Harvest Calendar

While our grass-fed beef is available year-round, we depend on Mother Nature’s timing when it comes to picking the freshest produce for you:


  • We’ll feature a list of your spring harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your spring harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your spring harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your spring harvests here


  • We’ll feature a list of your summer harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your summer harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your summer harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your summer harvests here


  • We’ll feature a list of your fall harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your fall harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your fall harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your fall harvests here


  • We’ll feature a list of your winter harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your winter harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your winter harvests here
  • We’ll feature a list of your winter harvests here
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with customization by Grapevine Local Food Marketing